Ownership & Encumbrance Report
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Verify Who is Currently on Title to the Property
We will provide you with a copy of the Deed showing who is currently on the title to the property and how title is held.
Verify Recorded Liens and Encumbrances
We will provide you with an Ownership and Encumbrance Report at no cost to you, from a Colorado title insurance company that will show documents of record for the property, including any mortgages, liens, encumbrances or judgements, etc. This information can be used when completing the required Colorado Form 941 - Schedule 8 - Liens and Encumbrances section.
Beware of predatory investors & scam artists that may be attempting to use shady methods to steal equity from properties in the estate. If approached by an all cash investor, or some other type of buyer proposing a lease option, or owner carryback offer, etc. please call Jim Foster first, before signing any documents and get his professional opinion as to whether or not it is a legitimate & ethical offer. It is always advised to consult tax & legal counsel before signing any real estate documents.